The Virtual Micromagnetics project has produced a paper in the Journal of Open Research Software here. Researchers using Virtual Micromagnetics are welcome to cite this publication to credit the project.
The preprint of the paper submitted to the Journal of Open Research Software is now available on arXiv here.
Virtual Micromagnetics 1.1.0 is released, with new support for container environments with Docker! View the changelog here.
The release of Virtual Micromagnetics 1.1.0 is imminent, which introduces Virtual Micromagnetics containers with Docker, amongst other fixes!
The authors of Virtual Micromagnetics are preparing a publication for the Journal of Open Research Software describing this software and its potential benefits for the micromagnetic simulation community. Watch this space for updates and preprints.
Virtual Micromagnetics 1.0.3 is released, along with our new website at, and our documentation at View the complete changelog here.
Virtual Micromagnetics 1.0.2 is nearing release. Check back for more announcements and machine information here!